When it comes to photography I am not much of a city-girl, but I make an exception for London. I love this city, and I was lucky to spend a weekend there with my man. The second night I couldn’t resist to try some night photography. I have never done that before, but we stayed near St Paul’s Cathedral and I was hoping for some nice illumination of both the cathedral and the Millennium Bridge (above). I didn’t bring a tripod, so I had to shoot by hand.

Above you can see the lower part of the Millennium Bridge, with the Shard in the background (tall needle-shaped building). I decided that 1/30 second was the minimum exposure time that I could get away with, and with iso 3200 and a wide open aperture that was just enough.

Being on the Millennium Bridge you can look towards the Tower Bridge (with the Southwark Bridge in front). Not a great view of the Tower Bridge per se, but some nice coloured lights in the image I think.
Below another futuristic view of the Millennium Bridge. I could have taken a dozen photos more of this bridge. In fact, I think I have 😉 . But I try to be selective here…

One more photo that I am quite proud of is the one of the Cathedral below. I have chosen for the black and white version, although I like the coloured one too. But this photo was taken before I noticed that I could increase the exposure time, therefore this one is on the dark side. In the color version the noise is much more visible. With Lightroom I can remove that for the larger part, but I like the smooth finish of the black and white version. It is still a dark image, but hey, it was night!
I was afraid that the lights on the buildings in the front would overpower the light on the cathedral, but they turned out to be nice little stars. And it won me another exposure-selection on Flickr!

Ok, I changed my mind, here is the coloured version as well. You can make up you own mind! 🙂

Thanks for reading!